Berliner Unternehmerinnen investieren in Berliner Gründerinnen

Bei der FemaleCapital Pitch Night am 16. Dezember 2024 stellen Gründerinnen im Berliner Ullsteinhaus ihre vielversprechenden Startups vor – am neuen Standort des Startup Incubator Berlin. Berliner Frauen investieren in Berliner Gründerinnen – das ist die Initiative FemaleCapital, die mit Unterstützung des Berliner Senats für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe von encourageventures ins Leben gerufen

Von |2025-01-06T14:38:28+01:00Dezember 13th, 2024|Berliner Startup Stipendium, femaleempowerment|

Startup Teams – Berlin Startup Scholarship 2024

 We present our Berlin Startup Scholarship Teams from 2024! Novostock NovoStock is transforming efficiency in healthcare. By enabling seamless management of supplies in medical practices and clinics, healthcare professionals can focus entirely on delivering exceptional patient care. Founder: Isabel Orcun and Gregor Pölzing Onni Care Onni Care aims to provide reliable and individual support

Von |2025-01-06T14:37:39+01:00November 26th, 2024|Berliner Startup Stipendium, Startup Incubator Berlin|

Introducing the Berlin Startup Scholarship Women Batch I – 2024

We are welcoming our first Batch for the Berlin Startup Scholarship Women at the Startup Incubator Berlin. The first month is over and we already accomplished the first steps: Mentor-Matching, Deep Dives, Lean Startup Canvas and more. Our scholars for a period of 9 months are: Margarita Fray with Dreamsome Dreamsome is an app that

@deGut 2024 with Franziska Giffey #femaleempowerment

On October 11th and 12th we joined the deGut – German Founders’ and Entrepreneurship Days trade fair, a comprehensive platform for aspiring entrepreneurs and for gaining insights on how to found a business. A big part of the program during this both days was dedicated to female entrepreneurship and empowerment. This year we were

Von |2025-01-06T14:39:59+01:00Oktober 17th, 2024|Berliner Startup Stipendium|

Pitch & Jury Berlin Startup Scholarship Women

We received many application for the Berlin Startup Scholarship for Women and are looking forward to our pitching day. At the 18th of September 10 female finalists will pitch in front of our expert jury. We would like to introduce the female experts supporting us: JURY BERLIN STARTUP SCHOLARSHIP WOMEN Lina Gunstmann: Communications Manager at

Von |2024-09-11T17:40:43+02:00September 11th, 2024|EXIST|

NEWS: Berlin Startup Scholarship for Women

We are very excited to announce that we received a new female empowerment program at the Startup Incubator Berlin - the Berlin Startup Scholarship for Women! Since Berlin wants to become the number one innovation location in Europe, the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Enterprises and the European Social Fund+ established a

Von |2024-08-30T09:41:13+02:00August 29th, 2024|EXIST|

Introducing the EXIST Women Female Founders Batch 2024

We are deligted to present the first batch in the EXIST Women program: Since the beginning of 2024 the Startup Incubator Berlin of the Business School of Economics and Law is supporting a lively group of 10 aspiring female founders. EXIST Women allows women who are interested in setting up a business to expand

Von |2024-10-18T12:01:44+02:00Juli 2nd, 2024|EXIST|

Calling Future Female Founders

The Startup Incubator Berlin started its new support program EXIST Women with a batch of ten impressive female founders which had been selected at the Pitch Night in January. Their startup ideas range from AI solutions, Tunesian product imports, high-end e-commerce or SAAS solutions up to a health app and an institute focusing on

Von |2025-01-06T14:44:52+01:00Februar 2nd, 2024|Event, Lean Startup|

Rückblick Water Innovation Challenge

Zum Jahresende freuen wir uns Ihnen einen kleinen Rückblick und Stand zur laufenden Water Innovation Challenge zu geben: Zu Jahresbeginn wurde von der IHK Berlin und dem Startup Incubator der HWR Berlin die 'Water Innovation Challenge Berlin' ins Leben gerufen. Dabei wurden anfangs umfangreiche Interviews mit AkteurInnen aus der Wirtschaft geführt, aus denen sich Problemstellungen

Von |2023-12-20T11:30:12+01:00Dezember 20th, 2023|Event, Interview|

Neue Förderung für gründungsinteressierte Frauen

Der Startup Incubator Berlin hat ein neues Förderprogramm gestartet: EXIST Women. Dies ist ein 12-monatigen Qualifizierungsprogramm inklusive 3-monatigem Stipendium, das sich ausschließlich an gründungsinteressierte Frauen richtet. Bewerben können sich Absolventinnen, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Studentinnen, die sich für das Thema Gründung interessieren. Bewerbungen als Team sind sehr willkommen! Die Teilnahme ist auch in Teilzeit nebenberulich oder

Von |2025-01-06T14:43:48+01:00November 23rd, 2023|Startup Incubator Berlin|
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