Your support with many years of expertise
Mentors and Coaches
Our mentors and coaches support the start-up teams with their many years of expertise in science and practice in the context of individual and needs-based consultation appointments and workshops.
Our mentors: Professors at the HWR Berlin
Our mentors support the start-up teams with their many years of expertise in science and practice in the context of individual and needs-based mentoring appointments.
Contact is initially made via the Startup Incubator Berlin, which is happy to put interested teams in touch with the right mentors.
Our coaches: experts at SIB
Für spezifische Fragen rund um dein Gründungsvorhaben, stehen dir im Startup Incubator Berlin eine Reihe von Expert*innen und Coaches zur Verfügung.
Einen individuellen Coachingtermin kannst du ganz einfach per E-Mail oder telefonisch vereinbaren. Die meisten unserer Coaches bieten außerdem regelmäßige Workshops an.