Your support with many years of expertise

Mentors and Coaches

Our mentors and coaches support the start-up teams with their many years of expertise in science and practice in the context of individual and needs-based consultation appointments and workshops.

Our mentors: Professors at the HWR Berlin

Our mentors support the start-up teams with their many years of expertise in science and practice in the context of individual and needs-based mentoring appointments.

Contact is initially made via the Startup Incubator Berlin, which is happy to put interested teams in touch with the right mentors.

Prof. Dr. Sven Ripsas

Professor for Entrepreneurship

Focus areas:

  • Business model innovation with Canvas / Cockpit
  • Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Startup Financing

Prof. Dr. Ingo Fischer

Professur forGeneral business administration, esp. HR Mgmt.

Focus areas:

  • Human Resources
  • Change Management
  • Employee and Organisationn Development

Prof. Dr. Andrea Rumler

Professor of Marketing

Focus areas:

  • Start-up marketing
  • Business model development
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Online Marketing and Social Media

Prof. Dr. Martin Užik

Professor for Operational Financing and Investment Policy

Focus areas:

  • Evaluation of companies and company shares
  • Opening new markets in Eastern Europe
  • Strategic comparative and planning calculations

Prof. Dr. Carsten Baumgarth

Professor for Marketing, especially Brand Management

Focus areas:

  • B2B-Marketing and B2B-Brand-Management
  • Culture Marketing and Culture Brand Management
  • Brand Management

Prof. Dr. Birgit Felden

Professor for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Focus areas:

  • Family Business
  • Small and Medium-sized enterprises
  • Company succession
  • Company evaluation and exit strategies

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gruber

Professor for Internal Accounting / Controlling

Focus areas:

  • Value-oriented Company Management
  • Controlling and Reporting
  • International Accounting

Prof. Dr. Frank Habermann

Professor for General Business Management Theory, especially Business Process Management

Focus areas:

  • Project Management
  • Change Management
  • Business Process Management
  • Organisational Learning

Prof. Dr. Roland Müller

Professor for Business Computer Science

Focus areas:

  • Big Data
  • Data Mining
  • Business Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Avo Schönbohm

Professor for General Business Administration and Controlling

Focus areas:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Performance Management
  • Enterprise Gamification

Prof. Dr. Tobias Braun

Professor of Human Resources and Organisation

Focus areas:

  • Company control with goals
  • Organisational Management and Design
  • Organisational and Corporate Culture Development

Prof. Dr. Katrin Böttcher

Professor for International Human Resources

Focus areas:

  • Global Talent Management
  • Executive Management Development
  • Employability

Prof. Dr. Regina Baumgärtner

Professorship for tourism, business administration and marketing

Focus areas:

  • Tourism
    • Innovations
    • Digitalization
    • Internationalization
    • Sustainability
  • Marketing

Prof. Dr. Martina Eberl

Professor for General Business Administration, especially Management and Organisation

Focus areas:

  • Change Management
  • Leadership Development
  • Implementation of Strategies

Prof. Dr. Thomas Afflerbach

Professor for General Business Administration, especially Service Management


  • User-centric Innovation Management (Service Design and Design Thinking)
  • Service Marketing and Service Operations
  • Collaborative work in (virtual) teams

Prof. Dr. Susanne Meyer

Professor for commercial law

Focus areas:

  • commercial law
  • Insolvency law
  • General contract law
  • Corporate law

Prof. Dr. Peter Ries

Professor of Civil Law

Focus areas:

  • Commercial and corporate law
  • International corporate law

Our coaches: experts at SIB

Für spezifische Fragen rund um dein Gründungsvorhaben, stehen dir im Startup Incubator Berlin eine Reihe von Expert*innen und Coaches zur Verfügung.

Einen individuellen Coachingtermin kannst du ganz einfach per E-Mail oder telefonisch vereinbaren. Die meisten unserer Coaches bieten außerdem regelmäßige Workshops an.

Felix Piela

Coach for:

  • CAD construction
  • 3D-Print
  • Manufacturing process
  • agile hardware development

as well as:

  • Electronics development
  • PCB layout
  • embedded Software

Dr. Arndt Schwaiger

Coach for:

  • Sharpening and optimization of the business model
  • Lean Startup / Lean Analytics
  • Key figure-based financial planning
  • financing

Patrick Geißler

Coach for:

  • Corporate law
  • (VC) participation agreements
  • Incorporation/transformation
  • Terms & Conditions contract law

Patrick Straßer, Dipl.-Kfm.

Coach for:

  • Taxes
  • Accounting

Tim Frank

Coach for:

  • Insurance for startups
  • Insurance for founders

Karime Mimoun

Coach for:

  • Financing strategies for startups
  • Growth and scaling strategies
  • Business modeling and price analysis
  • Pitch deck optimization
  • Definition and identification of investors

Nicole Röttger

Coach for:

  • Innovationsmanagement (Design Thinking, Design Sprints)
  • Executive and team coaching
  • Agile Frameworks (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS)
  • Business model development

Tal Uscher

Coach for:

  • Innovationsmanagement (Design Thinking, Design Sprints)
  • Executive and team coaching
  • Agile Frameworks (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS)
  • Business model development

Kerstin Buschbeck

Coach for:

  • Team building (values, vision, trust)
  • Organizational development (team expansion, team changes)
  • Clarification of the roles including the topics: expectation management, delegation, decisions, effectiveness
  • Team communication (internal & external)
  • Mediation (solving conflicts)
  • Leadership and competency development
  • Corporate culture development

Armand Lidtke

Coach for:

  • Brand Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Creating Ads / Campaigning

Hilmar Nicolay

Coach für:

  • Business model development
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Internationalization
  • Product Development / SaaS, PaaS
  • Lean Startup / Pitch Deck / Business Plan

Will Fischer

Coach for:

  • Prototyping
  • Product strategy, manufacturing design
  • Hardware and mechanical Engineering