Experts and Coaches at SIB

Our Coaches

For specific questions concerning your startup project, a number of experts and coaches are at your disposal in the Startup Incubator Berlin.

You can easily arrange an individual coaching appointment by e-mail or telephone. Most of our coaches also offer regular workshops.

Felix Piela

Coaching area:

  • Prototype development
  • Prototype construction
  • Product development process

Shai Hoffmann

Coaching area:

  • Crowdfunding
  • Social media marketing
  • Public realtions (networking)

Dr. Arndt Schwaiger

Coaching area:

  • Business model optimization
  • Lean Startup / Lean Analytics
  • Key figure-based financial planning
  • Funding

Patrick Geißler

Coaching area:

  • Company Law
  • (VC) investment contracts
  • Incorporation/conversion of companies
  • AGB & contract law

Patrick Straßer, Dipl.-Kfm.

Coaching area:

  • Taxes
  • Accounting

Tim Frank

Coaching area:

  • Insurances for start-ups
  • Insurances for founders

Karime Mimoun

Coaching area:

  • Financing strategies for startups
  • Growth & scaling strategies
  • Business modelling & pricing analysis
  • Pitch deck optimization
  • Investor definition & identification

Nicole Röttger

Coaching area:

  • Innovation management (design thinking, design sprints)
  • Executive- and Team-Coaching
  • Agile frameworks (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS)
  • Business model development

Tal Uscher

Coaching area:

  • Innovation management (design thinking, design sprints)
  • Executive- and Team-Coaching
  • Agile frameworks (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS)
  • Business model development

Kerstin Buschbeck

Coaching area:

  • Teambuilding (values, vision, trust)
  • Organizational development (team expansion, team changes)
  • Clarification of roles including the topics: expectation management, delegation, decisions, effectiveness
  • Team Communication (internal & external)
  • Mediation (dealing with conflicts)
  • Leadership & competence development
  • Development of corporate culture

Armand Lidtke

Coaching area:

  • Brand Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Creating Ads / Campaigning

Hilmar Nicolay

Coaching area:

  • Business Modeling
  • Sales
  • Business Scaling
  • Product Design / SaaS, PaaS
  • Lean Startup / Pitch Deck / Business Plan

Will Fischer

Coaching area:

  • Prototyping
  • Product strategy, design for manufacture
  • Hardware and mechanical engineering