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Employment status

What was your employment status immediately before you started participating in the ESF+ project?
Only one entry is possible here.

Level of education

What is your highest school-leaving qualification?
What is your highest professional or academic qualification?

Voluntary Information:

The voluntary information is particularly sensitive personal data within the meaning of Art. 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation. You can refuse to provide the information without being excluded from the funding. However, it is helpful if you provide the following information, as this can be used to determine whether, for example, people with a migration background or people with disabilities have participated in the measure with equal opportunities.

Third country nationality

Are you a third-country national (= no German nationality and no nationality of another EU country, stateless or unclear nationality)?

Migration background

Do you have a migration background?
A migration background exists if the participant either a) was not born on the territory of the present Federal Republic of Germany and immigrated to Germany in 1950 or later or b) does not have German citizenship or has been naturalized or c) at least one parent immigrated to Germany in 1950 or later or does not have German citizenship or has been naturalized.

Members of minorities

Do you belong to the recognized minority of Sinti and Roma?

Existence of a disability

Do you have a severely disabled person's pass or equivalent official proof?