Archiv für den Monat: Oktober 2024

Introducing the Berlin Startup Scholarship Women Batch I – 2024

Von |2024-11-26T16:34:04+01:00Oktober 30th, 2024|Berliner Startup Stipendium, femaleempowerment, Startup Incubator Berlin|

We are welcoming our first Batch for the Berlin Startup Scholarship Women at the Startup Incubator Berlin. The first month is over and we already accomplished the first steps: Mentor-Matching, Deep Dives, Lean Startup Canvas and more. Our scholars for a period of 9 months are: Margarita Fray with Dreamsome Dreamsome is an app that

@deGut 2024 with Franziska Giffey #femaleempowerment

Von |2025-01-06T14:39:59+01:00Oktober 17th, 2024|Berliner Startup Stipendium|

On October 11th and 12th we joined the deGut – German Founders’ and Entrepreneurship Days trade fair, a comprehensive platform for aspiring entrepreneurs and for gaining insights on how to found a business. A big part of the program during this both days was dedicated to female entrepreneurship and empowerment. This year we were

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