Archiv für den Monat: November 2021

Are you looking for a Startup you can join? Come to our BPW Co-Founder Matching

Von |2021-11-15T14:09:25+01:00November 15th, 2021|Event|

Are you looking for a Startup you can join? Come to our BPW Co-Founder Matching Then join this online match making day to meet outstanding startup teams that are in founding programms of participating incubators or universities. The Business Plan Wettbewerb Berlin Brandenburg (BPW) invited several players to join forces in order to present

UX Testing – Startup Expo at Factory Berlin

Von |2021-11-18T16:24:02+01:00November 8th, 2021|Event|

UX Testing – Startup Expo @Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park In cooperation with the Factory Berlin, Startups from the Startup Incubator Berlin and the Factory Berlin will show their business idea onsite at the 26th of November starting at 5 p.m. Learn what products are to be launched soon in the market and meet interesting

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